Group at Churches Offers Support for Drug-Addict Helpers

Group at churches offers support for drug-addict helpers

Filed under: christian drug addiction help

Parents, spouses or friends who find themselves trying to help someone struggling with drug addiction can get discouraged when their efforts don't seem to be succeeding. Parents of Addicted Loved Ones, also called PAL-Groups, tries to keep their …
Read more on Arizona Republic


Our nation faces year-end deadlines

Filed under: christian drug addiction help

Whether it's a New York City police officer buying boots for a homeless man on the street or the Christian Appalachian Project or the Mission of Hope unveiling thousands of gifts for children across southern and eastern Kentucky, I believe our hearts …
Read more on The Harlan Daily Enterprise


Grace Bible Church pastor discovers helping Portland's homeless is harder

Filed under: christian drug addiction help

Now the neighborhood contains a large cluster of subsidized housing complexes and services for homeless people and recovering drug and alcohol addicts. "Past ministers here tried to preserve a certain upper-middle-class value set, to sort of jump over …



How do I show my love without enabling? – Short excerpt from “The 10 Toughest Questions Families and Friends Ask About Addiction and Recovery”