Got Fund Raising Ideas???????? Please Share!!!!!?
Question by toppercheerleader2012: Got fund raising ideas???????? Please Share!!!!!?
So I’m a Freshman in high school and I’m apart of a group which is known as VTLSP (Vermont Teen Leadership Safety Program). Our goals is to teach teens and young adults about drug and alcohol abuse. We had a meeting tonight and we are trying to raise money to send people to GYLC (Governor’s Youth Leadership Conference) either this month or the next and to the National SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) Conference in Washington D.C in June. So to go along with this long story my basic question is, do you have any fund raising ideas that a high school leadership group could do???
Best answer:
Answer by Jackie G
1)How about designing myspace pages for your peers? Make out a questionnaire and have them fill it out to find out the type of page they’d like, then make it for them. Give them the password of course, then they can go and change it.
2)Consign your friends items for them on ebay. Specialize in something you know a lot about (ie. teen fashion, skateboards, etc) Charge a percent of sale price. Draw up a contract and make them sign it with all the specifics…like who makes the price,,,,who pays the insertion and selling fees, how you will pay them and how long it will take…what happens if item doesn’t sell, etc. You could also go to yard sales to find items to sell…could be an excellent group effort.
3) Offer classes to adults on how to make sure your child is safe online. Teach parents of middle schoolers how to find out what their children are looking at, which sites they need to be weary of, etc. Who better to teach them than you?
4) Offer parent’s night out babysitting. Find a church, rec center, etc that would let you use or rent their space and host a parent’s night out once a month, or week, or whatever. Show the kids a movie, do a craft, something to keep them occupied while their parents go out for a date night.
What do you think? Answer below!
Drug Courts: Where Accountability Meets Compassion – Each year, NADCP has the honor of convening the world’s largest conference on substance abuse, mental health and the criminal justice system. It’s a time for Drug Courts from around the country to come together and recognize that they are part of a national movement, that we are all on the front lines of changing the face of criminal justice in this country. Last July, NADCP’s 17th Annual Training Conference convened in Washington, DC for three unforgettable days. Here are the highlights. We hope you all join us for the 18th Annual Training Conference in Nashville, TN from May 30 – June 2. All Rise! Visit to register.
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