Get Rid of ADHD Without Drugs

Get Rid of ADHD without Drugs

Filed under: causes of drug addiction

Therefore, there is a clear risk that ADHD drugs may rewire the brain, cultivate addiction or dependence and cause irreparable damage to the rapidly developing brains of these children. With such high risks of ADHD medications, it is no wonder that …
Read more on Hive Health Media (blog)


N.J. attorney general: Prescribed drugs kill more than heroin and cocaine

Filed under: causes of drug addiction

Prescription drug abuse “kills more people than heroin and cocaine combined,” according to state Attorney General Jeffrey Chiesa, who “couldn't believe” that statistic when he first heard it. But it's true. While it's generally thought that illegal …
Read more on Hunterdon County Democrat –



Medical Marijuana Does NOT Cause Increased Drug Use! – Study – Medical marijuana is under fire from both the Republicans and the Obama administration, but a new study shows that the presence of medical marijuana does not cause increased drug use in the surrounding area for teens. We’ve got details on the study – Ana Kasparian of The Young Turks and John Iadarola discuss on TYT University. Will this study change anyone’s mind on medical marijuana, or the potential legality of marijuana in general? Do you disagree with the study at all? And will marijuana ever be legal in the US? Soon? Let us know! And if you liked this video, “Like” it as well! 🙂 Subscribe to TYT U for more Submit a video to TYT U! We love hearing from students and faculty Follow us on twitter!!! TAGS: “marijuana good effects” “marijuana lung capacity” “marijuana lungs” “marijuana jama” “‘marijuana effects” “smoking marijuana” “marijuana facts” “marijuana myths” “marijuana nixon” “legalize it” pot cannabis thc “young turks” “ana kasparian” “john iadarola” “tyt university”