George Soros and Legalizing Drugs?

Question by : George Soros and Legalizing Drugs?
I might of asked my last question to quickly, I can find the links to the Columbia Drug Cartels and his basic philosophy, but I need reports, like CIA or DEA overviews, even 1990’s stuff would help!

Journalist notes;
From the world of international finance, George Soros’s contributions to the legalization movement are potentially even more significant than the entertainment industry’s. His generous donations to the Drug Policy Foundation have been channeled through his Open Society Institute (OSI), an organ of his extensive Soros Foundation. The president of the Open Society Institute is Aryeh Neier, former executive director of the ACLU who also writes a human rights column for the left-wing The Nation magazine. Concerning Soros’s donation, Neier said, ” Soros doesn’t think the drug war makes any sense from an economic standpoint. There’s an enormous crime problem that is attributable to drugs, there are vast numbers of people in prison and people who are dependent on drugs.” The Open Society Institute wishes to encourage these voices of dissent on prohibition, and additionally, seems to want groups like the DPF to move into the mainstream by stressing ” treatment and humanitarian endeavors.” What is Soros’s interest in drug legalization?

Journalist Story;

In April 1994, Soros’s Drug Policy Foundation put Gustavo de Greiff, then still chief proscutor, on a United States tour against drug law enforcement. The Soros group staged a Washington, D.C. press conference for him on April 23, since, “The chief prosecutor has been attacked with increasing vigor by a series of U.S. government officials.” At the conference, de Greiff demanded that the U.S. attacks on him stop, and the U.S. War on Drugs be closed down.

The next month, the Gilinskis applied to de Greiff’s government for permission to sell part ownership of the Banco de Colombia to George Soros.

Over the succeeding years, Gustavo de Greiff went into exile in Mexico, where he had been Colombian ambassador for a time. He is now the chief spokesman for the Soros-Gilinski partnership, while serving as the spokesman and attorney for the Gilinski family, as they and George Soros have carried out a decade-long legal battle to squeeze more money out of the Banco de Colombia (now called Bancolombia), whose control they have lost.

At the same time, de Greiff is one of the leading hemispheric spokesman for the Soros drug legalization movement, operating for various Soros entities in North and South America (such as the group Law Enforcement Against Prohibition), pulling together the lobbying forces of narcotics producers and their financiers, demanding the surrender of law enforcement.

So the links exist, but where are the government investigations on these links???

Best answer:

Answer by Jimmy
George Soros is very Anti American. He wants to change the U.S. into his dream of a very hard core socialist, Marxist country. Legalizing drugs would just help keep the population asleep so no one notices what is going on.

What do you think? Answer below!



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