Facts and Figures Associated With HIV/AIDS in British Columbia

Facts and Figures associated with HIV/AIDS in British Columbia

Filed under: drug addiction facts

In 2010, that number has decreased to 47.6 per cent, with heterosexual transmission making up 30.8 per cent, and 16.8 per cent attributed to injection drug use (IDU). Women had a higher proportion of HIV attributed to injection drug use than men (30 …
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Fact Checker: Were more than a million doses of oxycodone prescribed in

Filed under: drug addiction facts

FACTS: This week's Fact Checker investigates a number that popped up in a recent Vermont Public Radio report about the growing drug-addiction problem in Rutland. In her story, VPR reporter Nina Keck quoted Clay Gilbert, director of an outpatient …
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Drug Abuse By Street Children India [Facts And Interview With Street Kid]