Does Your Teen Go to a Youth Group at a Church?
Question by Tyedyegurlie: Does your teen go to a youth group at a church?
Does your teen go to youth group at a church?
What form of schooling do they use?
How did they start going?
Are they battling something like drug addiction?
What do they do in youth group?
What denomination is the church or other place of worship?
Do they enjoy youth group?
Best answer:
Answer by withlove,jb?
My family does not attend church on a weekly basis.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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i teach kids at church
Hi, I’m a teen who goes to youth group.
I attend government high school
I started going when my family moved house 4 years ago and started to attend the church in question, my parents don’t force me to go, and honestly I’d probably never want to go if they did
I’m not, I’m a fairly boring teen I don’t drink or smoke either because I’ve seen first hand the damage it does to people when abused
My youth group tends to go to the movies, we have games nights and compete against each other or go to the beach, we don’t do anything “churchy” it’s just meant to be fun
It’s a Salvation Army Church
I used to enjoy it, these days not so much simply as I’m one of the oldest there (I’m 18 and most are about 15) I really only go to support the younger ones these days or when the guys my age attend, then it’s fun
Usually this place is for teens so your asking teens about whether they… anyhow my friend does but that’s only because she’s christian (the only one I know.)
My mom used to make me attend and it keeps yiu focused on what matters in life – integrity , desire , purpose , dignity – its great to learn this as a teen instead of a work meeting at a Honda lot in your mid 20’s or whatever .
I am a teen.
I attend a youth group. I go to a private Christian school. I started going by telling my parents I’d like to go there. No drug addiction of any kind.
In youth group we sing and talk about god as well as go on mission trips.
Yes I enjoy youth group. I’ve never been forced to do any of the above by my parents. They aren’t even religious but I am.