Do You Think That People Convicted of Drug Possession Should Be Sent to Rehabilitation Instead of Prison?
Question by Brian: Do you think that people convicted of drug possession should be sent to rehabilitation instead of prison?
About 57% of inmates at US federal prisons are for drug violations.
Maybe the cost of rehab could be the “fine” for drug violations, or the violators could contribute as much as they can to their rehab?
Also, do you think that drugs are a significant drain on productivity in America?
Best answer:
Answer by Slayer
No one should get in trouble at all for having drugs, who cares what people do to their own bodies
Answer by James
Who cares what we do with our own bodies? Society does when it gets stuck with the medical bills and other related expenses due to your own poor decision to poison yourself with drugs. If you druggies were held solely accountable for all costs associated with the consequences of your choice to abuse yourself that would be different but we tax payers already are being squeezed enough to pay for the massive entitlement spending and paying the interest on nearly $ 17 trillion in debt.
As far as the rehab goes, it fails to work most of the time. Druggies have the highest rates of recidivism out of all crimes even with treatment. It’s cheaper to imprison a crackhead for life than to pay for a multi organ transplant due to drug related failure and/or 24/7 care in a nursing facility for drug caused brain damaged.