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Cute or Sad Love Stories :D?
Question by Jonny Tassin: Cute or Sad Love Stories :D?
does any1 kno any cute or sad Love stories 😀
Best answer:
Answer by Spice Kitty
Well, other than movies, I only know my own. It is both cute and sad….When I was 20 years old, I began going to the University of Louisville in my home state. I had finally moved away from my parents and was in the city I truly loved (Louisville, Ky). I had a beautiful apartment, everything I needed, and was excited to start a new chapter in my life. It is at this point that I should mention I am an alcoholic/addict. When I moved, I had beaten the drugs due to probation and the random drug tests, but was still drinking heavily. I already had a criminal rap sheet more than a page long, unfortunately. Well, my first day of classes, I got stuck on an elevator with 2 men. One was just my type, a well built African-American with an outgoing personality, the other a younger grad student who didn’t say a word. When we finally got off the elevator, I was walking with them and told them what class I was going to. Come to find out, the African-American was my professor, and the other man was his grad student that worked in his lab. To make a long story a small bit shorter, me and the professor began a relationship, but ended it a few weeks before the end of the semester. This whole time I was talking to his grad student, and fighting my addiction. He tried everything he could to help me. Talked with me on the phone and on Facebook for hours, etc. When I was lonely, he would stay with me at my apartment and hold me through the night while I cried. Eventually, I took his virginity. He was 22 at the time. That summer, I went to rehab for alcohol and he wrote me letters everyday, came to visit, took care of my apartment, everything. He didn’t want anything in return, just to be my friend and love me. He had friends and roommates in the past, but no one that would listen and try to understand him. When I got out of rehab I made the biggest mistake of my life. I let someone I met in rehab move in with me. I was not happy at all but for some reason had sympathy on this guy and didn’t want to kick him out on the streets. All this time, my true friend was always there when I needed him, just to talk or whatever I needed. Eventually I kicked the rehab guy out and decided to stay with my true friend for “a weekend”. That weekend turned into a week, then a month, then a year, and now he is my wonderful, loving husband who I am so proud to have in my life. We both got our degrees, I have a Masters and he went on to get his PhD. I would not give him up for the world. He tells me everyday how much he loves me and our children and how beautiful our family is…
This is a very watered-down version of our story because if I typed it all in detail I could write a book. I just wanted to include the sad and cute parts as you requested. 🙂 But I hope this helps whatever cause you are pursuing!
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