Can Somebody Describe How Bee Stings Help Treat a May Cure Ms?
Question by Lazy Boy: can somebody describe how bee stings help treat a may cure ms?
Best answer:
Answer by Jason
OK best way i can explain it to you below is this,
For centuries, honey, bee pollen, and bee venom have been used
to treat a number of ailments that vary between chronic pain to skin conditions.
Apitherapy, or the medical use of honeybee products that range from royal jelly
to bee venom, was used by the ancient Egyptians as a homoeopathic remedy
for arthritis. Today, bee venom therapy, or bee sting therapy, has captured the
attention of medical science as a potential homoeopathic remedy for multiple
sclerosis (MS) symptoms.
Bee venom therapy (BVT), or apitherapy, uses the stings of live bees to
relieve symptoms of MS such as pain, loss of coordination, and muscle
weakness. Stinging is not limited to any specific area of the body, as stings
in different places seem to produce different results. Apitherapy researchers
suggest that certain compounds in bee venom, namely melittin and adolapin
help reduce inflammation and pain, and that the combination of all the
“ingredients” in bee venom somehow helps the body to release natural healing
compounds in its own defence.
Given the fact that no major studies on BVT have been done so far, it is
estimated that only about 50 U.S. physicians use it to treat MS or other
diseases. And the evidence that BVT helps MS patients, although encouraging
remains anecdotal. Despite this, of the more than 250,000 cases of multiple
sclerosis nationwide, thousands of patients are said to use bee venom as an
alternative approach to the interferon, corticosteroids, and other drugs typically
used. Word on BVT has spread to where the American Apitherapy Society
says there are about 10,000 people providing this therapy – apitherapists,
beekeepers, and acupuncturists, as well as those with no health background.
Some patients even treat themselves. But the lack of medical training among
most practitioners and the risk of dangerous allergic reactions to the treatment
have raised concerns about BVT among the medical establishment.
Nonetheless, bee venom therapy has generated enough “buzz” that Georgetown
University in Washington, D.C., has begun a one-year preliminary study, funded
by the Multiple Sclerosis Association of America, to research apitherapy as a
potential treatment. In the end, researchers hope to settle the debate whether bee
venom should be considered a serious treatment for MS
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