Can a Federally Funded Program (The VA) for Alcohol or Drug Rehab Force You to Go to AA or NA?

Question by Brett: Can a federally funded program (the VA) for alcohol or drug rehab force you to go to AA or NA?
Separation of church and state and how AA and NA talks about God all throughout their books? For example, the state cannot force you to go to church.

Best answer:

Answer by Gazza
AA and NA does not work for people if they are not willing to change and accept that they have a problem. AA and NA are not for everyone, sometimes people are more willing and receptive to a harm reduction programme instead of a 12 step abstinence programme.

Answer by Dr. Snark ®
Nobody can force you to do anything. You always have the option of not going. There may be negative consequences if you do, but that’s not the same as being forced.

The VA does not require that anybody go to AA/NA exclusively. If you choose to go a different treatment route, you can do that as long as it meets their requirements. Also AA/NA are not religions. There is a lot of talk of a “higher power”, but this could just as easily mean your superego exerting influence over your id and doesn’t have to mean a God.

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