Barry Put More Pacalolo Power in States Hands and He Is Checkmated Now Can He Help Save Lives By….?
Question by : Barry put more pacalolo power in states hands and he is checkmated now can he help save lives by….?
reversing anschlingers UN heist?
The campaign against marijuana 1930-1937
Main article: Legal history of marijuana in the United States
Restrictions for cannabis as a drug, often called Indian Hemp in documents from 1900 to 1930s, started in District of Columbia 1906 and was followed by state laws in other parts of the country in the 1910s and 1920s. The early laws against the cannabis drugs were passed with little public attention. Concern about marijuana was related primarily to the fear that marijuana use would spread, even among whites, as a substitute for the opiates. In 1925 United States supported regulation of Indian hemp, Cannabis for use as a drug, in the International Opium Convention.[2] Recommendations from the International Opium Convention inspired the work with The Uniform State Narcotic Act between 1925 and 1932. Harry J. Anslinger became an active person in this process from about 1930.[3][4]
Anslinger received as head of The Federal Bureau of Narcotics (FBN) (from his point of view) an alarming increase of reports about smoking of marijuana in 1936 continued of a spread at an accelerated pace in 1937. Before, smoking of marijuana had been relatively slight and confined to the Southwest, particularly along the Mexican border. The Bureau launched two important steps. First, the Bureau prepared a legislative plan to seek from Congress a new law that would place marijuana and its distribution directly under federal control. Second, Anslinger ran a campaign against marijuana on radio and at major forums.[5][non-primary source needed]
Some of his critics allege that Anslinger and the campaign against marijuana had an hidden agenda, DuPont petrochemical interests and William Randolph Hearst together created the highly sensational anti-marijuana campaign to eliminate hemp as an industrial competitor. The credibility of this theory is weakened by the fact that hemp never managed to become a competitive alternative to wood pulp or nylon in any country in the twentieth century, see Hemp. Indeed, Anslinger did not himself consider marijuana a serious threat to American society until in the fourth year of his tenure (1934), at which point an anti-marijuana campaign, aimed at alarming the public, became his primary focus as part of the government’s broader push to outlaw all drugs.[6][not in citation given]
Members of the League of Nations had already implemented restrictions for marijuana in the beginning of the 1930s and restrictions started in many states in U.S years before Anslinger was appointed. Both president Franklin D. Roosevelt and his Attorney General publicly supported this development in 1935.[6][non-primary source needed]
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Newt Gingrich smoked pot, wants death sentence for marijuana users – Gary Johnson Outs Newt Gingrich? ‘Among 100 Million Americans Who Smoke Marijuana’ video by Tommy Christopher Fourth-tier GOP presidential candidate and one-time debate sensation Gary Johnson became the latest to level a “serial hypocrisy” attack at frontrunner Newt Gingrich over the weekend, telling MSNBC’s Alex Witt that in 1997, Gingrich “proposed the death penalty for marijuana — for possession of marijuana above a certain quantity of marijuana, and yet he is among 100 million americans who smoke marijuana.” While Alex Witt didn’t think Gingrich’s herbal history would be “at the forefront,” maybe it should. Johnson later referenced Gingrich’s marijuana use in the past tense, saying that he “would love to have a discussion with (Gingrich) on the fact that he smoked pot, and under the wrong set of circumstances, he proposed the death penalty for something, potentially, that he had committed?” Gingrich, you may be surprised to learn, admitted to youthful marijuana use, and according to Reason magazine, was sort of ahead of his time: Gingrich had this to say about his illegal drug use: “That was a sign we were alive and in graduate school in that era.” Somehow, an activity that was no big deal in the late ’60s and early ’70s had become shameful and scandalous by the late ’80s. Although Gingrich excuses his illegal drug use by implying that most of his fellow students also smoked pot, marijuana use was probably less common when he was in graduate school than it was in 1988 …
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