Does the Past Really Matter?

Question by Booger: Does the past really matter?
I am 24 now and I ma dating a wonderful guy, who I have been seeing for about a year. qWe both love each other very much and spend a lot of time together.
When I was 18 and 19 years old I used to be on drugs, but have since then been to rehab and I did a lot of things I am not proud of and that a lot of people do not know about. I have told my boyfriend that I have been to rehab, but not about some of the things I have done. I am afraid that if he ever finds out any of them that he might want to break up with me. Am I being silly?

Best answer:

Answer by Alisha B
I think that the past does matter to some degree. You should tell him, if he loves you then he will understand and he will be glad that you overcame the drugs etc. and are a better person…Say that you don’t tell him and he finds out in some round about way, then he will feel like you are hiding these from him…Good luck

Answer by White Raven
Of course you’re not being silly. A lot of guys can’t seem to separate the things you did from the person you truly are. They don’t seem to understand that what’s important is *why* you made the choices you did, and how you bacame the person you are today. It is that person you are that’s important.

As a general rule, if a guy cares more about the mistakes in your past than who you truly are, how you feel now, then I would say you deserve better than that. The right guy for you would care for the person who learned from her mistakes and became a person he could love for herself and who she is now.

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