What Does the Prevalence of Drug Abuse Say About Our Society? What Would Someone From the Past Conclude?

Question by Blank: What does the prevalence of drug abuse say about our society? What would someone from the past conclude?
Drug abuse is rampant. It has destroyed millions of lives. Families are torn apart, children neglected; not to mention the financial cost to society. Some people say it is because of poverty, but wealthy people abuse drugs too. Is the underlying cause the acceptance of hedonism and rejection of societal norms?
25 minutes ago

Best answer:

Answer by Greg
The shorter the leash, the faster the dog runs when its free.

The under lying cause is the tightening of conservative social social norms. Kids in European countries don’t binge drink, because drinking is normal.

Part of the reason for the drug epidemic is the stigma. Once you are hooked, you are shunned by society and backed into a corner in an unending downward spiral. if people were more accepting and treated the problem (with better education than “Just Say No”) it wouldn’t be as wide spread.

Answer by silver_hammered
Weed is tasty. That’s why.