Would Anyone Be Interested in Telling Their Drug Addiction Story for a Testimony on Our Website?

Question by DSS: Would anyone be interested in telling their drug addiction story for a testimony on our website?
Nothing tells it better than someone who has had the struggles with drug addiction. I would welcome your story and hope all is good with you now. If we use your story, you can view it on www.DSSDrugScreeningServices.com in the next coming weeks.
Just email us under our “contact info” on our website. We would love to hear your story. Make it as long or short as you’d like.

Best answer:

Answer by Cella
I don’t think there’s enough room or do I have time to explain what my story is. But I think the cycle of a drug addict can cover every ones story in some way.

Good luck


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REAL LIFE DRUG STORY VIDEOS — Drug Addiction Experiences/Teenage Drugs Stories – teenagers addiction of drugs,alcohol and other dangerous substances


Bread Maker Inspires Recovering Addicts

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In addition to making bread, he is now using that story to save other people's lives. … He has not always been so happy, Dave used to be a drug addict himself but is now a champion for change in the workplace, one third of his employees are ex-felons.
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From Twitter:

Sep 4, Percocet Abuse Stories: Percocet Abuse Stories are the true stories… http://t.co/JO2fsu6A #addiction #rehab – by AddictionSuport (Ned Wicker)

From Twitter:

via @elaineschattner: Docs tend to overlook patients’ alcohol and drug use; new efforts to address this, @KHNews – http://t.co/Eh3o4xF7 – by MSKCC_Library (MSKCC Library)

From Twitter:

v @jessiegruman: Docs tend to overlook patients’ alcohol and drug use; new efforts to address this, @KHNews – http://t.co/bG9J9an6 – by ElaineSchattner (Elaine Schattner)