Obama Still Won’t Get Off the Pot – Newsworks.org (Blog)

Obama still won’t get off the pot – Newsworks.org (blog)

Obama still won't get off the pot
Newsworks.org (blog)
Twenty states plus Washington, D.C., have legalized medical marijuana, 17 states (and a number of localities, including Philadelphia) have decriminalized marijuana possession, and two states have legalized possession (with retail outlets for adults

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drug abuse washington d.c. – Google News

How Civil Forfeiture Laws Are Costing Innocent People Their Homes – Pacific Standard

How Civil Forfeiture Laws Are Costing Innocent People Their Homes
Pacific Standard
The idea behind forfeiture is simple enough: drug kingpins, embezzlers, racketeers, and other offenders should not be able to keep the financial fruits of illegal acts. Prosecutors But authorities can also use civil law to seize assets before the

drug abuse washington d.c. – Google News