Does Massachusetts Require Anyone Who Tests Positive for Drugs to Go to Rehab?

Question by Fed Up: Does Massachusetts require anyone who tests positive for drugs to go to rehab?
I just started doing business in MA. I had an employee test positive for marijuana and I am being told by fellow business owners that I must send him to rehab in lieu of firing him. Is this true?

Best answer:

Answer by colanth
Check with your company’s attorney, but it sounds like involuntary servitude (on your part) to me. You can’t be forced to pay for the results of someone else’s actions. (Didn’t some people in Massachusetts complain about something very similar a couple of hundred years ago? Something about throwing a tea party for the king?)

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Introducing the Great Marijuana Prohibitionists of 2012

Filed under: drug rehab in ma

In this fallen world, where foolishness regularly inoculates itself with itself in order to preserve itself, there are now two main arguments against legalizing the mild drug called marijuana while giving a pass to the far more dangerous drugs called …
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